Visit any big box store and replacing the holiday displays are now racks and racks of storage containers. And while all those plastic containers speak to a neatly organized home, don’t believe they will be your salvation. Rather than simply filling up plastic bins and boxes, attack your New Year’s organization plan with a less is more attitude.
- Take your time. Start small and don’t try to do it all in one day. You’ll get discouraged and give up halfway through. Select a room, look around and envision what you want the space to be when you’re through; then formulate a game plan to get there.
- Perhaps you need to see immediate results. If so start with flat surfaces such as kitchen or bathroom countertops, living room bookcases or bedroom nightstand and dresser tops. This one small success will motivate you to tackle harder areas such as drawers and closets.
- Speaking of drawers and closets, set up three boxes or large trash bags, one for recycling, one for tossing and one for donating. After each box or bag is full immediately put it in the car to take to a thrift store or recycling center or to the trash bin. Do not leave it in your home; you may change your mind.
- Draw up a weekly cleaning schedule for the entire family. If each person has a set list of specific chores then chances are they will get done. And if not, then you know who to blame!
- Finally, at the beginning of each month decide on one new habit you want to put into practice and then do it. It could be anything from not leaving dirty dishes in the sink overnight, to dealing with the daily mail as soon as it’s brought in or cleaning off the coffee table every evening. Experts disagree on exactly how long it takes to develop a habit but obviously the longer you do something the more ingrained it becomes.
Carolina RES wants to wish each and every one of our past, present and future clients a very happy 2019. May the coming year be filled with happiness and hope. And remember if a new home is in your future, Carolina RES is here for all your real estate service needs